On Teallite, a New Sulphostannite of Lead from Bolivia; and its Relations to Franckeite and Cylindrite

G. T. Prior
Assistant in the Mineral Department of the British Museum.

Summary: Characters of Teallite:—

Grey-black colour, metallic lustre, soils paper like graphite, occurs in flexible folia with nearly square outline, perfect basal cleavage, hardness, 1–2, does not scratch gypsum, density, 6·36. Orthorhombic, a:b:r = 0·93 : 1 : 1·31. Chemical formula, PbSnS2.

Probable chemical formula of franckeite:— Pb5FeSn3Sb2S14 = 3PbSnS2 + Pb2FeSb2S8.

Probable chemical formula of cylindrite:— Pb3FeSn4Sb2S14 = 3PbSnS2 + SnFeSb2S8.

Mineralogical Magazine; October 1904 v. 14; no. 63; p. 21-27; DOI: 10.1180/minmag.1904.014.63.06
© 1904, The Mineralogical Society
Mineralogical Society (www.minersoc.org)