View changes made in:
  • Aug 19, 2017
    • Werdingite
      • Mineral Comment changed from

        Moore J M, Waters D J, Niven M L (1990) Werdingite, a new borosilicate mineral from the granulite facies of the western namaqualand metamorphic complex, South Africa, American Mineralogist 75, 415-420


        Moore J M, Waters D J, Niven M L (1990) Werdingite, a new borosilicate mineral from the granulite facies of the western Namaqualand metamorphic complex, South Africa, American Mineralogist 75, 415-420

  • Apr 25, 2007
  • Apr 16, 2007
    • Werdingite
      • RRUFF Ideal Chemistry changed from "(Mg,Fe)2Al14Si4B4O37" to "Mg2Al14Si4B4O37"
      • IMA Ideal Chemistry changed from "(Mg,Fe)2Al14Si4B4O37" to "Mg2Al14Si4B4O37"
  • May 27, 2006
    • Werdingite
      • RRUFF Ideal Chemistry changed from "(Mg,Fe)2Al14Si4B4O_37" to "(Mg,Fe)2Al14Si4B4O37"
      • IMA Ideal Chemistry changed to "(Mg,Fe)2Al14Si4B4O37"