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Mineral contains: Akrochordite   

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Bosi F, Miyawaki R, Hatert F, Pasero M, Mills S J (2023) IMA Commission on New Minerals, Nomenclature and Classification (CNMNC) – Newsletter 71. European Journal of Mineralogy 35, 75-79

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Bosi F, Miyawaki R, Hatert F, Pasero M, Mills S J (2023) IMA Commission on New Minerals, Nomenclature and Classification (CNMNC) Newsletter 71. Mineralogical Magazine 87, 332-335

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Fleischer M (1968) New mineral names. American Mineralogist 53, 1775-1780

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Flink G (1922) Akrochordit, ett nytt mineral från Långbans gruvor. Geologiska Föreningens i Stockholm Förhandlingar 44, 773-776

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Moore P B, Sen Gupta P K, Schlemper E O (1989) Akrochordite, (Mn, Mg)5(OH)4(H2O)4(AsO4)2: A sheet structure with amphibole walls. American Mineralogist 74, 256-262

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Shannon E V, Wherry E T (1923) New minerals: doubtful species. American Mineralogist 8, 167-169

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Welin E (1968) Notes on the mineralogy of Sweden 6. X-ray powder data for minerals from Långban and the related mineral deposits of Central Sweden. Arkiv för Mineralogi och Geologi 4, 499-541

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