We host articles and citations in collaboration with the Canadian , American , British , Japanese , French , Russian , and Italian mineral societies.Report a new mineral description or crystal structure reference.
Mineral contains: Argutite
Baur W H (1956) Über die verfeinerung der kristallstrukturbestimmung einiger vertreter des rutiltyps: TiO2, SnO2, GeO2 und MgF2. Acta Crystallographica 9, 515-520
Baur W H, Khan A A (1971) Rutile-type compounds. IV. SiO2, GeO2 and a comparison with other rutile-type structures. Acta Crystallographica B27, 2133-2139
Bernstein L R, Waychunas G A, (1987) Germanium crystal chemistry in hematite and goethite from the Apex Mine, Utah, and some new data on germanium in aqueous solution in the stottite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 51, 623-630
Bolzan A A, Fong C, Kennedy B J, Howard C J (1997) Structural studies of rutile-type metal dioxides. Acta Crystallographica B53, 373-380
Dunn P J, Cabri L J, Chao G Y, Fleischer M, Francis C A, Grice J D, Jambor J L, Pabst A (1984) New mineral names. American Mineralogist 69, 406-412
Haines J, Léger J M, Chateau C, Pereira A S (2000) Structural evolution of rutile-type and CaCl2-type germanium dioxide at high pressure. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 27, 575-582
Johan Z, Oudin E, Picot P (1983) Analogues germanifères et gallifères des silicates et oxydes dans les gisements de zinc des Pyrénées centrales, France; argutite et carboirite, deux nouvelles espèces minérales. Tschermaks Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen 31, 97-119
Rosales I, Juarez-Arellano E A, Magaña C R, Bucio L, Orozco E (2007) Incorporation of vanadium(V) into the rutile-type phase of GeO2: the solid solution Ge0.74V0.21 0.05O2. Acta Crystallographica E63, i99-i101
Yamanaka T, Ogata K (1991) Structure refinement of GeO2 polymorphs at high pressures and temperatures by energy-dispersive spectra of powder diffraction. Journal of Applied Crystallography 24, 111-118