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Mineral contains: Bastnasite-(Ce)   

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Černý P, Černá I (1972) Bastnaesite after allanite from Rough Rock Lake, Ontario. The Canadian Mineralogist 11, 541-543

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Borst A M, Finch A A, Friis H, Horsburgh N J, Gamaletsos P N, Goettlicher J, Steininger R, Geraki K (2020) Structural state of rare earth elements in eudialyte-group minerals. Mineralogical Magazine 84, 19-34

Capitani G (2019) HRTEM investigation of bastnäsite-parisite intergrowths from Mount Malosa (Malawi): ordered sequences, polysomatic faults, polytypic disorder, and a new parisite-(Ce) polymorph. European Journal of Mineralogy 31, 429-442

Conconi R, Fumagalli P, Capitani G (2023) A multi-methodological study of the bastnäsite-synchysite polysomatic series: Tips and tricks of polysome identification and the origin of syntactic intergrowths. American Mineralogist 108, 1658-1668

Donnay G, Donnay J D H (1953) The crystallography of bastnaesite, parisite, roentgenite, and synchisite. American Mineralogist 38, 932-963

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Fleischer M (1954) New mineral names. American Mineralogist 39, 402-408

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Frost R L, Dickfos M J (2007) Raman spectroscopy of halogen-containing carbonates. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 38, 1516-1522

Geijer P (1921) The cerium minerals of Bastnäs at Riddarhyttan. Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning Arsbok 14 (1920) 304, 1-24

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Giebel R J, Gauert C D K, Marks M A W, Costin G, Markl G (2017) Multi-stage formation of REE minerals in the Palabora Carbonatite Complex, South Africa. American Mineralogist 102, 1218-1233

Glass J J, Smalley R G (1945) Bastnäsite. American Mineralogist 30, 601-615

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Guastoni A, Nestola F, Giaretta A (2009) Mineral chemistry and alteration of rare earth element (REE) carbonates from alkaline pegmatites of Mount Malosa, Malawi. American Mineralogist 94, 1216-1222

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Haxel G B, Hedrick J B, Orris G J (2002) Rare Earth Elements - critical resources for high technology. U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 087-02, 1-4

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Holtstam D, Andersson U B (2007) The REE minerals of the Bastnäs-type deposits, south-central Sweden. The Canadian Mineralogist 45, 1073-1114

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Huot J J N (1841) Genre. Lanthane. 2 Espèce, Bastnaesite. in Manuels-Roret. Nouveau Manuel Complet de Minéralogie, Première Partie, (Paris) 296-296

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Levinson A A (1966) A system of nomenclature for rare-earth minerals. American Mineralogist 51, 152-158

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Ni Y, Hughes J M, Mariano A N, (1993) The atomic arrangement of bastnasite-(Ce), Ce(CO3)F, and structural elements of synchysite-(Ce), röntgenite-(Ce), and parisite-(Ce). American Mineralogist 78, 415-418

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Nickel E H, Mandarino J A (1987) Procedures involving the IMA Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names and guidelines on mineral nomenclature. American Mineralogist 72, 1031-1042

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Oftedal I (1931) Zur kristallstruktur von bastnäsit (Ce,La--)FCO3. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie 78, 462-469

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Shivaramaiah R, Anderko A, Riman R E, Navrotsky A (2016) Thermodynamics of bastnaesite: A major rare earth ore mineral. American Mineralogist 101, 1129-1134

Turner D J, Rivard B, Groat L A (2014) Visible and short-wave infrared reflectance spectroscopy of REE fluorocarbonates. American Mineralogist 99, 1335-1346

Vennari C E, Williams Q (2019) High-pressure Raman and Nd3+ luminescence spectroscopy of bastnäsite-(REE)CO3F. American Mineralogist 104, 1389-1401

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