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Mineral contains: Celadonite   

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Baker L L, Rember W C, Sprenke K F, Strawn D G (2012) Celadonite in continental flood basalts of the Columbia River Basalt Group. American Mineralogist 97, 1284-1290

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Drits V A, Tsipursky S, Plancon A (1984) Application of the method for the calculation of intensity distribution to electron diffraction structure analysis. Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Fizicheskaya 48, 1708-1713

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Drits V A, Zviagina B B, McCarty D K, Salyn A L (2010) Factors responsible for crystal-chemical variations in the solid solutions from illite to aluminoceladonite and from glauconite to celadonite. American Mineralogist 95, 348-361

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Fleischer M, Pabst A, White J S (1978) New mineral names. American Mineralogist 63, 793-796

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Glocker E F (1847) II. Argillitae pingues. 20. Seladonites.. in Generum et Specierum Mineralium, Secundum Ordines Naturales Digestorum Synopsis, Apud Eduardum Anton 185-195

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Rieder M, Cavazzini G, D’Yakonov Y S, Frank-Kamenetskii V A, Gottardt G, Guggenheim S, Koval P V, Muller G, Neiva A M R, Radoslovich E W, Robert J L, Sassi F P, Takeda H, Weiss Z, Wones D R (1998) Nomenclature of the micas. The Canadian Mineralogist 36, 905-912

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Tsipurskij S I, Drits V A (1986) Refining the crystallographic structure of celadonite. Mineralogiceskij Zhurnal 8, 32-40

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Zhukhlistov A P (2005) Crystal structure of celadonite from the electron diffraction data. Crystallography Reports 50, 902-906

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Zhukhlistov A P, Zvyagin B B, Lazarenko E K, Pavlishin V I (1977) Refinement of the crystal structure of ferrous seladonite. Kristallografiya 22, 498-504

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