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Mineral contains: Ettringite   

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Antao S M, Duane M J, Hassan I (2002) DTA, TG, and XRD studies of sturmanite and ettringite. The Canadian Mineralogist 40, 1403-1409

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Bannister F A, Hey M H, Bernal J D (1936) Ettringite from Scawt Hill, Co. Antrim. Mineralogical Magazine 24, 324-329

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Chukanov N V, Britvin S N, Van K V, Möckel S, Zadov A E (2012) Kottenheimite, Ca3Si(OH)6(SO4)2·12H2O, a new member of the ettringite group from the Eifel area, Germany. The Canadian Mineralogist 50, 55-63

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Chukanov N V, Kasatkin A V, Zubkova N V, Britvin S N, Pautov L A, Pekov I V, Varlamov D A, Bychkova Y V, Loskutov A B, Novgorodova E A (2016) Tatarinovite Ca3Al(SO4)[B(OH)4](OH)6·12H2O, a new ettringite-group mineral from the Bazhenovskoe Deposit, Middle Urals, Russia, and its crystal structure. Geology of Ore Deposits 58, 653-665

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Fleischer M (1959) New mineral names. American Mineralogist 44, 464-470

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Gatta G D, Hålenius U, Bosi F, Cañadillas-Delgado L, Fernandez-Diaz M T (2019) Minerals in cement chemistry: A single-crystal neutron diffraction study of ettringite, Ca6Al2(SO4)3(OH)12·27H2O. American Mineralogist 104, 73-78

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Geng G, Myers R J, Kilcoyne A L D, Ha J, Monteiro P J M (2017) Ca L2,3-edge near edge X-ray absorption fine structure of tricalcium aluminate, gypsum, and calcium (sulfo)aluminate hydrates. American Mineralogist 102, 900-908

Goetz-Neunhoeffer F, Neubauer J (2006) Refined ettringite (Ca6Al2(SO4)3(OH)12·26H2O) structure for quantitative X-ray diffraction analysis. Powder Diffraction 21, 4-11

Hartman M R, Berliner R (2006) Investigation of the structure of ettringite by time-of-flight neutron powder diffraction techniques. Cement and Concrete Research 36, 364-370

International Mineralogical Association (1962) International Mineralogical Association: Commission on new minerals and mineral names. Mineralogical Magazine 33, 260-263

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Lehmann J (1874) Über den Ettringit, ein neues Mineral, in Kalkeinschlüssen der Lava von Ettringen (Laacher Gebiet). Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaontologie 1874, 273-275

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Markl G, Keim M F, Bayerl R (2019) Unusual mineral diversity in hydrothermal vein-type deposit: The Clara mine, SW Germany, as a type example. The Canadian Mineralogist 57, 427-456

Moore A, Taylor H F W (1968) Crystal structure of ettringite. Nature 218, 1048-1049

Murdoch J, Chalmers R A (1960) Ettringite (“woodfordite”) from Crestmore, California. American Mineralogist 45, 1275-1278

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Peacor D R, Dunn P J, Duggan M (1983) Sturmanite, a ferric iron, boron analogue of ettringite. The Canadian Mineralogist 21, 705-709

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Taylor H F W (1973) Crystal structures of some double hydroxide minerals. Mineralogical Magazine 39, 377-389

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Zhou Q, Lachowski E E, Glasser F P (2004) Metaettringite, a decomposition product of ettringite. Cement and Concrete Research 34, 703-710

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