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We host articles and citations in collaboration with the Canadian , American , British , Japanese , French , Russian , and Italian mineral societies.
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Mineral contains: Hematophanite   

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Fleischer M, Mandarino J A (1974) New mineral names. American Mineralogist 59, 381-384

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Foshag W F (1928) New mineral names. American Mineralogist 13, 592-593

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Johansson K (1928) Mineralogische Mitteilungen. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie 68, 87-118

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Mitchell R H, Welch M D, Chakhmouradian A R (2017) Nomenclature of the perovskite supergroup: A hierarchical system of classification based on crystal structure and composition. Mineralogical Magazine 81, 411-461

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Rouse R C (1971) A note on the structural chemistry of hematophanite. American Mineralogist 56, 625-627

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Rouse R C (1973) Hematophanite, a derivative of the perovskite structure. Mineralogical Magazine 39, 49-53

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