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We host articles and citations in collaboration with the Canadian , American , British , Japanese , French , Russian , and Italian mineral societies.
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Mineral contains: Hendricksite   

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Fleischer M (1969) New mineral names. American Mineralogist 54, 326-330

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Frondel C, Ito J (1966) Hendricksite, a new species of mica. American Mineralogist 51, 1107-1123

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Rieder M, Cavazzini G, D’Yakonov Y S, Frank-Kamenetskii V A, Gottardt G, Guggenheim S, Koval P V, Muller G, Neiva A M R, Radoslovich E W, Robert J L, Sassi F P, Takeda H, Weiss Z, Wones D R (1998) Nomenclature of the micas. The Canadian Mineralogist 36, 905-912

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Robert J L, Gasperin M (1985) Crystal structure refinement of hendricksite, a Zn- and Mn-rich trioctahedral potassium mica: a contribution to the crystal chemistry of zinc-bearing minerals. Tschermaks Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen 34, 1-14

Tlili A, Smith D C, Beny J M, Boyer H (1989) A Raman microprobe study of natural micas. Mineralogical Magazine 53, 165-179

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