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Mineral contains: Jervisite   

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Hawthorne F C, Grundy H D (1973) Refinement of the crystal structure of NaScSi2O6. Acta Crystallographica B29, 2615-2616

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Mellini M, Merlino S, Orlandi P, Rinaldi R (1982) Cascandite and jervisite, two new scandium silicates from Baveno, Italy. American Mineralogist 67, 599-603

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Merlino S, Orlandi P (2006) Jervisite, NaScSi206: a new occurrence, chemical data and crystal structure. Periodico di Mineralogia 76, 201-220

Morimoto N (1988) Nomenclature of pyroxenes. Mineralogical Magazine 52, 535-550

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Nespolo M, Aroyo M I (2016) The modular structure of pyroxenes. European Journal of Mineralogy 28, 189-203

Vignola P, Rotiroti N, Hatert F, Bersani D, Andó S, Varvello S (2019) Jervisite, NaScSi2O6: Optical data, morphology, Raman spectroscopy, and crystal chemistry. The Canadian Mineralogist 57, 489-498

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