We host articles and citations in collaboration with the Canadian , American , British , Japanese , French , Russian , and Italian mineral societies.Report a new mineral description or crystal structure reference.
Mineral contains: Lead
Bartikyan P M (1966) Native lead and zinc in the rocks of Armenia. Zapiski Vsesoyuznogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva 95, issue 1, 99-102
Boutcher S M A, Davis G L, Moorhouse W W (1965) Potassium-argon and uranium-lead ages from two localities. The Canadian Mineralogist 8, 198-203
Boyle R W (1976) Native lead at Keno Hill, Yukon. The Canadian Mineralogist 14, 577-577
Carr P F, Selleck B, Stott M, Williamson P (2008) Native lead at Broken Hill, New South Wales, Australia. The Canadian Mineralogist 46, 73-85
Dostal J, Elson C, Dupuy C (1979) Distribution of lead, silver and cadmium in some igneous rocks and their constituent minerals. The Canadian Mineralogist 17, 561-567
Frost R L, Williams P A (2004) Raman spectroscopy of some basic chloride containing minerals of lead and copper. Spectrochimica Acta Part A 60, 2071-2077
Hutton C O (1950) Studies of heavy detrital minerals. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 61, 635-710
Jambor J L, Plant A G (1975) The composition of the lead sulphantimonide, robinsonite. The Canadian Mineralogist 13, 415-417
Straumanis M E (1949) The precision determination of lattice constants by the powder and rotating crystal methods and applications. Journal of Applied Physics 20, 726-734
Swanson H E, Tatge E (1953) Standard X-ray diffraction powder patterns. Lead (cubic). in National Bureau of Standards Circular 539, Volume 1, U S Government Printing Office (Washington D.C.) 34-35