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Mineral contains: Leucosphenite   

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Chao G Y, Watkinson D H (1972) Leucosphenite from Mont St. Hilaire, Quebec. The Canadian Mineralogist 11, 851-860

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Flink G (1901) On the minerals from Narsarsuk on the Firth of Tunugdliarfik in Southern Greenland (complete article). Meddelelser om Grønland 24, 9-180

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Flink G (1901) On the minerals from Narsarsuk on the Firth of Tunugdliarfik in Southern Greenland. 28. Leucosphenite. Meddelelser om Grønland 24, 137-146

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Malinovskii Y A, Yamnova N A, Belov N V (1981) The refined crystal structure of the leucosphenite. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR 257, 1128-1132

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Milton C, Axelrod J M, Grimaldi F S (1955) New minerals, reedmergnerite (Na2O·B2O3·6SiO2) and eitelite (Na2O·MgO·2CO2) associated with leucosphenite, shortite, searlesite, and crocidolite in the Green River formation, Utah. American Mineralogist 40, 326-327

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Pabst A, Milton C (1972) Leucosphenite, and its occurrence in the Green River Formation of Utah and Wyoming. American Mineralogist 57, 1801-1822

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Shannon R D, Shannon R C, Medenbach O, Fischer R X (2002) Refractive index and dispersion of fluorides and oxides. Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 31, 931-970

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Shumyatskaya N G, Voronkov A A, Belov N V (1971) X-ray diffraction study of leucosphenite. Soviet Physics - Crystallography 16, 416-422

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