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Mineral contains: Montgomeryite   

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Ankinovich E A, Ankinovich S G, Dara A A, Kurmakaeva F A (1983) Ferrous montgomeryite of the Kara-Tau [in Russian]. Zapiski Vsesoyuznogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva 112, 84-88

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Dunn P J, Roberts W L, Campbell T J, Leavens P B (1983) Red montgomeryite and associated minerals from the Tip Top Pegmatite with notes on kingsmountite and calcioferrite. The Mineralogical Record 14, 195-197

Fanfani L, Nunzi A, Zanazzi P F, Zanzari A R (1976) Additional data on the crystal structure of montgomeryite. American Mineralogist 61, 12-14

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Fleischer M (1969) New mineral names. American Mineralogist 54, 990-994

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Frost R L, Xi Y, Palmer S J, Pogson R E (2012) Identification of montgomeryite mineral [Ca4MgAl4(PO4)6·(OH)4·12H2O] found in the Jenolan Caves - Australia. Spectrochimica Acta A94, 1-5

Larsen E S (1940) Overite and montgomeryite: two new mineral from Fairfield, Utah. American Mineralogist 25, 315-326

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Mead C W, Mrose M E (1968) Solving problems in phosphate mineralogy with the electron probe. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 600-D, D204-D206

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Moore P B, Araki T (1974) Montgomeryite, Ca4Mg(H2O)12[Al4(OH)4(PO4)6]: its crystal structure and relation to vauxite, Fe2+2(H2O)4[Al4(OH)4(H2O)4(PO4)4]·4H2O. American Mineralogist 59, 843-850

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Moore P B, Araki T, Kampf A R, Steele I M (1976) Olmsteadite, K2Fe2+2[Fe2+2(Nb,Ta)5+2O4(H2O)4(PO4)4], a new species, its crystal structure and relation to vauxite and montgomeryite. American Mineralogist 61, 5-11

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