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Mineral contains: Nordite-(Ce)   

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Bakakin V V, Belov N V, Borisov S V, Solovyeva L P (1970) The crystal structure of nordite and its relationship to melilite and datolite-gadolinite. American Mineralogist 55, 1167-1181

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Dal Bo F, Gulbransen E H, Friis H (2021) New data on nordite-(Ce) and the establishment of the nordite supergroup. Mineralogical Magazine 85, 431-437

Gerasimovsky V I (1941) Nordite, a new mineral of the Lovozero tundras. Comptes Rendus (Doklady) de l'Académie des Sciences de l'URSS 32, 496-498

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Levinson A A (1966) A system of nomenclature for rare-earth minerals. American Mineralogist 51, 152-158

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Nickel E H, Mandarino J A (1987) Procedures involving the IMA Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names and guidelines on mineral nomenclature. American Mineralogist 72, 1031-1042

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Semenov E I, Barinskii R L (1958) The composition characteristics of the rare earths in minerals. Geokhimiya 1958, 398-419

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Sokolova E V, Kabalov Y K, Khomyakov A P (1992) Isomorphism in the crystal structure of the Khibiny nordite, Na3SrTR{M2+[Si6O17]}, TR = La, Ce, Nd, Pr; M2+ = Zn, Mg, Fe, Mn (in Russian). Vestnik Moskovskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta 4, 97-102

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