We host articles and citations in collaboration with the Canadian , American , British , Japanese , French , Russian , and Italian mineral societies.Report a new mineral description or crystal structure reference.
Mineral contains: Paceite
Echigo T, Kimata M (2010) Crystal chemistry and genesis of organic minerals: A review of oxalate and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon minerals. The Canadian Mineralogist 48, 1329-1358
Hibbs D E, Kolitsch U, Leverett P, Sharpe J L, Williams P A (2002) Hoganite and paceite, two new acetate minerals from the Potosi mine, Broken Hill, Australia. Mineralogical Magazine 66, 459-464
Jambor J L, Roberts A C (2003) New mineral names. American Mineralogist 88, 475-479
Klop E A, Duisenberg A J M, Spek A L (1983) Reinvestigation of the structure of calcium copper acetate hexahydrate, CaCu(C2H3O2)4·6H2O. Acta Crystallographica C39, 1342-1344
Mandarino J A (2003) New minerals. The Canadian Mineralogist 41, 803-828
Piro O E, Baran E J (2018) Crystal chemistry of organic minerals-salts of organic acids: the synthetic approach. Crystallography Reviews 24, 149-175