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Mineral contains: Parascholzite   

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Rolland C, Guidoin R, Ledoux R, Zerguini A, Roy P E (1991) Carbonate-hydroxylapatite, hopeite, and parascholzite in fibrous capsules surrounding silicone breast implants. The Canadian Mineralogist 29, 337-345

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Sturman B D, Rouse R C, Dunn P J (1981) Parascholzite, a new mineral from Hagendorf, Bavaria, and its relationship to scholzite. American Mineralogist 66, 843-851

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Taxer K (1992) Order-disorder and polymorphism of the compound with the composition of scholzite, CaZn2[PO4]2·2H2O. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie 198, 239-255

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Taxer K, Bartl H (1997) Die „geordnete gemittelte” kristallstruktur von parascholzit. Zur dimorphie von CaZn2(PO4)2·2H2O, parascholzit – scholzit. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie 212, 197-202

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