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Mineral contains: Phlogopite
Alietti E, Brigatti M F, Poppi L (1997) Clintonite-1M: Crystal chemistry and its relationships to closely associated Al-rich phlogopite. American Mineralogist 82, 936-945
Armbruster T, Richards R P, Gnos E, Pettke T, Herwegh M (2007) Unusual fibrous sodian tainiolite epitactic on phlogopite from marble xenoliths of Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, Canada. The Canadian Mineralogist 45, 541-549
Breiter K, Vaňková M, Galiová M V, Korbelová Z, Kanický V (2017) Lithium and trace-element concentrations in trioctahedral micas from granites of different geochemical types measured via laser ablation ICP-MS. Mineralogical Magazine 81, 15-33
Breithaupt J F A (1841) Phengites Phlogopites. in Vollständige Charakteristik des Mineral-Systems 2nd Edition, Arnoldische Buchhandlung (Dresden and Leipzig) 398-399
Brigatti M F, Caprilli E, Funiciello R, Giordano G, Mottana A, Poppi L (2005) Crystal chemistry of ferroan phlogopites from the Albano maar lake (Colli Albani volcano, central Italy). European Journal of Mineralogy 17, 611-621
Brigatti M F, Medici L, Poppi L, Vaccaro C (2001) Crystal chemistry of trioctahedral micas-1M from the Alto Paranaíba Igneous Province, southeastern Brazil. The Canadian Mineralogist 39, 1333-1345
Brigatti M F, Poppi L (1993) Crystal chemistry of Ba-rich trioctahedral micas-1M. European Journal of Mineralogy 5, 857-871
Chon C M, Lee C K, Song Y, Kim S A (2006) Structural changes and oxidation of ferroan phlogopite with increasing temperature: in situ neutron powder diffraction and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 33, 289-299
Faye G H (1968) The optical absorption spectra of iron in six-coordinate sites in chlorite, biotite, phlogopite and vivianite. Some aspects of pleochroism in the sheet silicates. The Canadian Mineralogist 9, 403-425
Faye G H, Hogarth D D (1969) On the origin of 'reverse pleochroism' of a phlogopite. The Canadian Mineralogist 10, 25-34
Ferraris G, Gula A, Ivaldi G, Nespolo M, Sokolova E, Uvarova Y, Khomyakov A P (2001) First structure determination of an MDO-2O mica polytype associated with a 1M polytype. European Journal of Mineralogy 13, 1013-1023
Giebel R J, Gauert C D K, Marks M A W, Costin G, Markl G (2017) Multi-stage formation of REE minerals in the Palabora Carbonatite Complex, South Africa. American Mineralogist 102, 1218-1233
Hazen R M, Burnham C W (1973) The crystal structures of one-layer phlogopite and annite. American Mineralogist 58, 889-900
Hofmeister A M, Carpenter P K (2015) Heat transport of micas. The Canadian Mineralogist 53, 557-570
Hogarth D D, Brown F F, Pritchard (1970) Biabsorption, Mössbauer spectra, and chemical investigation of five phlogopite samples from Quebec. The Canadian Mineralogist 10, 710-722
International Mineralogical Association (1980) International Mineralogical Association: Commission on new minerals and mineral names. Mineralogical Magazine 43, 1053-1055
Joswig W (1972) Neutronenbeugungsmessungen an einem 1M-Phlogopit. Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Monatshefte 1972, 1-11
Knurr R A, Bailey S W (1986) Refinement of Mn-substituted muscovite and phlogopite. Clays and Clay Minerals 34, 7-16
Kogure T, Banno Y, Miyawaki R (2004) Interlayer structure in aspidolite, the Na analogue of phlogopite. European Journal of Mineralogy 16, 891-897
Krausz K (1974) Potassium-barium exchange in phlogopite. The Canadian Mineralogist 12, 394-398
Kwak T A P (1981) Sectorzoned annite85phlogopite15 micas from the Mt. Lindsay SnWF(Be) deposit, Tasmania, Australia. The Canadian Mineralogist 19, 643-650
Lacalamita M, Schingaro E, Mesto E, Zaccarini F, Biagioni C (2020) Crystal‐chemistry of micas belonging to the yangzhumingite‐fluorophlogopite and phlogopite‐fluorophlogopite series from the Apuan Alps (northern Tuscany, Italy). Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 47, 54
Laurora A, Brigatti M F, Mottana A, Malferrari D, Caprilli E (2007) Crystal chemistry of trioctahedral micas in alkaline and subalkaline volcanic rocks: A case study from Mt. Sassetto (Tolfa district, Latium, central Italy). American Mineralogist 92, 468-480
Matarrese S, Schingaro E, Scordari F, Stoppa F, Rosatelli G, Pedrazzi G, Ottolini L (2008) Crystal chemistry of phlogopite from Vulture-S. Michele Subsynthem volcanic rocks (Mt. Vulture, Italy) and volcanological implications. American Mineralogist 93, 426-437
McKeown D A, Bell M I, Etz E S (1999) Raman spectra and vibrational analysis of the trioctahedral mica phlogopite. American Mineralogist 84, 970-976
Mesto E, Schingaro E, Scordari F, Ottolini L (2006) An electron microprobe analysis, secondary ion mass spectrometry and single crystal X-ray diffraction study of phlogopites from Mt. Vulture, Potenza, Italy: Consideration of cation partitioning. American Mineralogist 91, 182-190
Miyano T, Miyano S (1982) Ferri-annite from the Dales Gorge Member iron-formations, Wittenoom area, Western Australia. American Mineralogist 67, 1179-1194
Nazzareni S, Comodi P, Bindi L, Safonov O G, Litvin Y A, Perchuk L L (2008) Synthetic hypersilicic Cl-bearing mica in the phlogopite-celadonite join: a mulitmethodical characterization of the missing link between di- and tri-octahedral micas at high pressures. American Mineralogist 93, 1429-1436
Pascal M L, Fonteilles M, Tournis V, Baptiste B, Robert J L, Boulliard J C (2018) Ba-, Si- and vacancy-rich phlogopites from the talc-bearing sulfide ore deposit of La Creuse, Beaujolais, France. Mineralogical Magazine 82, 1187-1210
Pasteris J D (1983) Spinel zonation in the De Beers kimberlite, South Africa: possible role of phlogopite. The Canadian Mineralogist 21, 41-58
Rieder M, Cavazzini G, DYakonov Y S, Frank-Kamenetskii V A, Gottardt G, Guggenheim S, Koval P V, Muller G, Neiva A M R, Radoslovich E W, Robert J L, Sassi F P, Takeda H, Weiss Z, Wones D R (1998) Nomenclature of the micas. The Canadian Mineralogist 36, 905-912
Ross C S, Kerr P F (1932) The manganese minerals of a vein near Bald Knob, North Carolina. American Mineralogist 17, 1-18
Schingaro E, Lacalamita M, Scordari F, Mesto E (2013) 3T-phlogopite from Kasenyi kamafugite (SW Uganda): EPMA, XPS, FTIR, and SCXRD study. American Mineralogist 98, 709-717
Schingaro E, Scordari F, Ventruti G (2001) Trioctahedral micas-1M from Mt. Vulture (Italy): Structural disorder and crystal chemistry. European Journal of Mineralogy 13, 1057-1069
Scordari F, Schingaro E, Lacalamita, Mesto E (2012) Crystal chemistry of trioctahedral micas-2M1 from Bunyaruguru kamafugite (southwest Uganda). American Mineralogist 97, 430-439
Scordari F, Schingaro E, Mesto E, Lacalamita M (2012) 2M1-phlogopite from Black Hills (South Australia): The first case of configurational polytype in micas. American Mineralogist 97, 2016-2023
Scordari F, Ventruti G, Sabato A, Bellatreccia F, Della Ventura G, Pedrazzi G (2006) Ti-rich phlogopite from Mt. Vulture (Potenza, Italy) investigated by a multianalytical approach: substitutional mechanisms and orientation of the OH dipoles. European Journal of Mineralogy 18, 379-391
Shaw C S J, Penczak R S (1996) Barium- and titanium-rich biotite and phlogopite from the Western and Eastern Gabbro, Coldwell alkaline complex, northeastern Ontario. The Canadian Mineralogist 34, 967-975
Sun J, Yang Y, Ingrin J, Wang Z, Xia Q (2022) Impact of fluorine on the thermal stability of phlogopite. American Mineralogist 107, 815-825
Tateyama H, Shimoda S, Sudo T (1974) The crystal structure of synthetic MgIV mica. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie 139, 196-206
Tlili A, Smith D C, Beny J M, Boyer H (1989) A Raman microprobe study of natural micas. Mineralogical Magazine 53, 165-179
Ventruti G, Zema M, Scordari F, Pedrazzi G (2008) Thermal behavior of a Ti-rich phlogopite from Mt. Vulture (Potenza, Italy): An in situ X-ray single-crystal diffraction study. American Mineralogist 93, 632-643
Williams Q, Knittle E, Scott H P, Liu Z (2012) The high-pressure behavior of micas: Vibrational spectra of muscovite, biotite, phloglopite. American Mineralogist 97, 241-252
Yoder H S, Eugster H P (1954) Phlogopite synthesis and stability range. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 6, 157-185
Zema M, Ventruti G, Lacalamita M, Scordari F (2010) Kinetics of Fe-oxidation/deprotonation process in Fe-rich phlogopite under isothermal conditions. American Mineralogist 95, 1458-1466
Zhang M, Tarantino S C, Su W, Lou X, Ren X, Salje E K, Carpenter M A, Redfern S A (2016) Optical phonons, OH vibrations, and structural modifications of phlogopite at high temperatures: An in-situ infrared spectroscopic study. American Mineralogist 101, 1873-1883