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Mineral contains: Sopcheite   

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Dunn P J, Fleischer M, Burns R G, Pabst A (1983) New mineral names. American Mineralogist 68, 471-475

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Dunning G R, Laflamme J H G, Criddle A J (1984) Sopcheite: a second canadian occurrence, from the Lac-des-Ises Complex, Ontario. The Canadian Mineralogist 22, 233-237

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Laufek F, Vymazalova A, Grokhovskaya T L, Plášil J, Dušek M, Orsoev D A, Kozlov V V (2017) The crystal structure of sopcheite, Ag4Pd3Te4, from the Lukkulaisvaara intrusion, Karelia, Russia. European Journal of Mineralogy 29, 603-612

Orsoev D A, Rezhenova S A, Bodanova A N (1982) Sopcheite, Ag4Pd3Te4, a new mineral from copper-nickel ores of the Monchegorsk pluton. Zapiski Vsesoyuznogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva 111, issue 1, 114-117

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Vymazalová A, Laufek F, Kristavchuk A V, Chareev D A, Drábek M (2015) The system Ag-Pd-Te: phase relations and mineral assemblages. Mineralogical Magazine 79, 1813-1832

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