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Mineral contains: Tantite   

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Dunn P J, Cabri L J, Ferraiolo J A, Grice J D, Jambor J L, Mueller W, Shigley J E, Puziewicz J, Vanko D A (1984) New mineral names. American Mineralogist 69, 1190-1196

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Stephenson N C, Roth R S (1971) The crystal structure of the high temperature form of Ta2O5. Journal of Solid State Chemistry 3, 145-153

Voloshin A V, Pakhomovskii Y A, Perlina G A (1983) Tantite Ta2O5 - a new mineral from granitic pegmatites of the Kola Peninsula. Mineralogiceskij Zhurnal 5, issue 3, 90-93

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