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Mineral contains: Thorite   

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Deditius A P, Pointeau V, Zhang J M, Ewing R C (2012) Formation of nanoscale Th-coffinite. American Mineralogist 97, 681-693

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Förster H J, Harlov D E, Milke R (2000) Composition and Th — U — total Pb ages of huttonite and thorite from Gillespie's Beach, South Island, New Zealand. The Canadian Mineralogist 38, 675-684

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Gahn J G, Berzelius J, Wallman C, Eggertz H P (1817) Examination of some minerals found in the neighbourhood of Fahlun, and of their situation. Annals of Philosophy 9, 452-460

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Giebel R J, Gauert C D K, Marks M A W, Costin G, Markl G (2017) Multi-stage formation of REE minerals in the Palabora Carbonatite Complex, South Africa. American Mineralogist 102, 1218-1233

Hutton C O (1950) Studies of heavy detrital minerals. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 61, 635-710

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MacDonald R, Bagiński B, Kartashov P M, Zozulya D, Dzierżanowski (2015) Interaction of rare-metal minerals with hydrothermal fluids: Evidence from quartz-epidote metasomatites of the Haldzan Buragtag Massif, Mongolian Altai. The Canadian Mineralogist 53, 1015-1034

Piilonen P C, Rowe P, Poirier G, Grice J D, McDonald A M (2013) Crystal structure determination of a unique Nb-Ti-rich thorite from Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, with comments on 'thorogummite'. The Canadian Mineralogist 51, 597-612

Shein I R, Shein K I, Ivanovskii A L (2006) Thorite versus huttonite: stability, electronic properties and X-ray emission spectra from first-principle calculations. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 33, 545-552

Taylor M, Ewing R C (1978) The crystal structure of the ThSiO4 polymorphs : huttonite and thorite. Acta Crystallographica B34, 1074-1075

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Teterin Y A, Utkin I O, Melnikov I V, Lebedev A M, Teterin A Y, Ivanov K E, Nikitin A S, Vukchevich L (2000) X-ray photoelectron study of thorium silicate ThSiO4·nH2O and uranium silicate USiO4·nH2O. Journal of Structural Chemistry 41, 965-971

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