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Mineral contains: Triplite   

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Birch W D (2018) Minerals in the arrojadite, alluaudite and jahnsite-whiteite groups from the Mount Wills pegmatite field, Victoria, Australia. European Journal of Mineralogy 30, 635-645

Dyar M D, Jawin E R, Breves E, Marchand G, Nelms M, Lane M D, Mertzman S A, Bish D L and Bishop J L (2014) Mössbauer parameters of iron in phosphate minerals: Implications for interpretation of martian data. American Mineralogist 99, 914-942

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Fisher D J (1957) Isokite and triplite from Bohemia. Mineralogical Magazine 31, 587-602

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Hausmann J F L (1813) Triplit. in Handbuch der Mineralogie, Volume 2, (Göttingen) 1079-1080

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Heinrich E W (1951) Mineralogy of triplite. American Mineralogist 36, 256-271

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Miyawaki R, Hatert F, Pasero M, Mills S J (2019) IMA Commission on New Minerals, Nomenclature and Classification (CNMNC) Newsletter 50. New minerals and nomenclature modifications approved in 2019. Mineralogical Magazine 83, 615-620

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Rea J R, Kostiner E (1972) The crystal structure of manganese fluorophosphate, Mn2(PO4)F. Acta Crystallographica B28, 2525-2529

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Richmond W E (1940) Crystal chemistry of the phosphates, arsenates and vanadates of the type A2XO4(Z). American Mineralogist 25, 441-478

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Roda-Robles E, Pesquera A, García de Madinabeitia S , Gil Ibarguchi J, Nizamoff J, Simmons W, Falster A, Galliski M A (2014) On the geochemical character of primary Fe-Mn phosphates belonging to the triphylite-lithiophilite, graftonite-beusite, and triplite-zwieselite series: first results and implications for pegmatite petrogenesis. The Canadian Mineralogist 52, 321-335

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Shigley J E, Brown G E (1985) Occurance and alteration of phosphate minerals at the Stewart Pegmatite, Pala District, San Diego County, California. American Mineralogist 70, 395-408

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Vignola P, Gatta G D, Hatert F, Guastoni A, Bersani D (2014) On the crystal-chemistry of a near-endmember triplite, Mn2+2(PO4)F, from the Codera Valley (Sondrio Province, Central Alps, Italy). The Canadian Mineralogist 52, 235-245

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Waldrop L (1969) The crystal structure of triplite, (Mn,Fe)2FPO4. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie 130, 1-14

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