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Mineral contains: Tyretskite   

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Davies W O, Machin M P (1968) Strontiohilgardite-1Tc and tyretskite, a structural pair. American Mineralogist 53, 2084-2087

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Ghose S (1985) A new nomenclature for the borate minerals in the hilgardite (Ca2B5O9Cl·H2O) - tyretskite (Ca2B5O9OH·H2O) group. American Mineralogist 70, 636-637

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Kondrat'eva V V (1964) X-ray diffraction studies of some minerals of the hilgardite group. Rentgenografia Mineral'nogo Syr'ia, Moscow ('Nedra') 4, 10-18

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Nickel E H (1993) Standardization of polytype suffixes. Mineralogical Magazine 57, 756-756

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