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Name: Ludwigite RRUFF ID: R060010 Ideal Chemistry: Mg2Fe3+O2(BO3) Locality: Victoria Quarry, Riverside, California, USA Source: University of Arizona Mineral Museum 9094 [view label] Owner: RRUFF Description: Black elongated prismatic crystals, associated with pale yellow clinohumite on white calcite matrix Status: The identification of this mineral has been confirmed by X-ray diffraction and chemical analysis |
Mineral Group: [ Ludwigite (5) ] | ||
Quick search: [ All Ludwigite samples (2) ] |
RAMAN SPECTRUM | ||||||||||||
INFRARED SPECTRUM (Attenuated Total Reflectance) | |||||||||||||||
RRUFF ID: | R060010.1 | |||||||
Sample Description: | Powder | |||||||
Cell Refinement Output: |
a: 9.2330(4)Å b: 12.254(1)Å c: 3.0200(2)Å alpha: 90° beta: 90° gamma: 90° Volume: 341.69(4)Å3 Crystal System: orthorhombic |
REFERENCES for Ludwigite | |
American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database Record: [view record] |
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Bertaut E F (1950) Structures des boroferrites, Acta Crystallographica, 3, 473-474 |
Takéuchi Y, Watanabé T, Ito T (1950) The crystal structures of warwickite, ludwigite and pinakiolite, Acta Crystallographica, 3, 98-107 |
Bovin J O, O'Keefe M, O'Keefe M A (1981) Electron microscopy of oxyborates. I. Defect structures in the minerals pinakiolite, ludwigite, orthopinakiolite, and takéuchiite, Acta Crystallographica, A37, 28-35 |
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Norrestam R, Kritikos M, Nielsen K, Sotofte I, Thorup N (1994) Structural characterization of two synthetic Ni-ludwigites, and some semiempirical EHTB calculations on the ludwigite structure type, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 111, 217-223 |
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Brovkin A A, Rozhdestvenskaya I V, Rykova E A (2002) Cation distribution in the structure of titanium-containing ludwigite, Crystallography Reports, 47, 412-414 |
Brovkin A A, Rozhdestvenskaya I V, Rykova E A (2002) Cation distribution in the structure of titanium-containing ludwigite [Russian], Kristallografiya, 47, 457-459 |
Girgsdies F, Behrens M (2012) On the structural relations of malachite. I. The rosasite and ludwigite structure families, Acta Crystallographica, B68, 107-117 |
Bilohučin V, Uher P, Koděra P, Milovská S, Miku T, Bačík P (2017) Evolution of borate minerals from contact metamorphic to hydrothermal stages: Ludwigite-group minerals and szaibélyite from the Vysoká - Zlatno skarn, Slovakia, Mineralogy and Petrology, 111, 643-658 |
Biryukov Y P, Zinnatullin A L, Levashova I O, Shablinskii A P, Bubnova R S, Vagizov F G, Ugolkov V L, Filatov S K, Pekov I V (2023) Crystal structure refinement, low- and high-temperature X-ray diffraction and Mössbauer spectroscopy study of the oxoborate ludwigite from the Iten'yurginskoe deposit, Acta Crystallographica, B79, S2052520623006455 [link] |