Markascherite R100030

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Record 2416 of 4216  

Name: Markascherite
RRUFF ID: R100030
Ideal Chemistry: Cu3(MoO4)(OH)4
Locality: Childs Aldwinkle mine, Bunker Hill District, Copper Creek, Pinal County, Arizona, USA
Source: Mark Ascher [view label]
Owner: RRUFF
Description: Green bladed crystals on quartz. This is the type specimen
Status: The identification of this mineral is confirmed by single-crystal X-ray diffraction and chemical analysis.
Mineral Group: [ Not in a structural group (133) ]
RRUFF ID: R100030.2
Sample Description: Microprobe fragment
Measured Chemistry: Cu2.91Mo1.029O4(OH)4; the lighter shade was probed
Microprobe Data File: [ Download Excel File ]
Sample Description: Unoriented sample

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RRUFF ID: R100030
Sample Description: Unoriented sample
Instrument settings: Thermo Almega XR 532nm @ 13% of 150mW
RRUFF ID: R100030.9
Sample Description: Single crystal, powder profile is calculated
Cell Refinement Output: a: 5.5203(5)Å    b: 5.9900(5)Å    c: 9.983(1)Å
alpha: 90°    beta: 97.586(5)°    gamma: 90°   Volume: 327.22(8)Å3    Crystal System: monoclinic
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Output file from the Bruker D8 Advance instrument. Includes device headers and XY data.

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REFERENCES for Markascherite

American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database Record: [view record]

Williams P A, Hatert F, Pasero M, Mills S J (2011) IMA Commission on new minerals, nomenclature and classification (CNMNC) Newsletter 7. New minerals and nomenclature modifications approved in 2010, Mineralogical Magazine, 75, 27-31   [view file]

Thompson R M, Yang H, Downs R T (2012) Packing systematics and structural relationships of the new copper molybdate markascherite and related minerals, American Mineralogist, 97, 1977-1986   [view file]

Yang H, Jenkins R A, Thompson R M, Downs R T, Evans S H, Bloch E M (2012) Markascherite, Cu3(MoO4)(OH)4, a new mineral species polymorphic with szenicsite, from Copper Creek, Pinal County, Arizona, U.S.A., American Mineralogist, 97, 197-202   [view file]