Ilmenite Harrison R J, Redfern S A T Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 28 (2001) 399-412 Short- and long-range ordering in the ilmenite-hematite solid solution Sample: ilm60, T = 921 C _database_code_amcsd 0008574 CELL PARAMETERS: 5.1271 5.1271 14.0198 90.000 90.000 120.000 SPACE GROUP: R-3c X-RAY WAVELENGTH: 1.541838 Cell Volume: 319.166 Density (g/cm3): 4.835 MAX. ABS. INTENSITY / VOLUME**2: 46.33486990 RIR: 3.121 RIR based on corundum from Acta Crystallographica A38 (1982) 733-739 2-THETA INTENSITY D-SPACING H K L Multiplicity 23.72 25.57 3.7510 0 1 2 6 32.55 100.00 2.7511 1 0 4 6 35.00 67.26 2.5635 1 1 0 6 40.12 19.08 2.2476 1 1 3 12 42.72 1.29 2.1165 2 0 2 6 48.54 33.83 1.8755 0 2 4 6 53.03 34.72 1.7269 1 1 6 12 56.37 1.52 1.6321 1 2 2 12 56.45 8.58 1.6301 0 1 8 6 61.24 24.68 1.5137 2 1 4 12 62.78 23.32 1.4801 3 0 0 6 68.17 2.77 1.3756 2 0 8 6 70.43 7.08 1.3369 1 0 10 6 70.77 1.44 1.3312 1 1 9 12 73.95 4.55 1.2818 2 2 0 6 78.99 3.41 1.2121 1 2 8 12 81.13 3.18 1.1854 0 2 10 6 83.14 5.42 1.1619 1 3 4 12 86.63 4.26 1.1238 2 2 6 12 ================================================================================ XPOW Copyright 1993 Bob Downs, Ranjini Swaminathan and Kurt Bartelmehs For reference, see Downs et al. (1993) American Mineralogist 78, 1104-1107.