American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

5 matching records for this search.

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Lin J C, Guggenheim S
Download am/vol68/AM68_130.pdf
American Mineralogist 68 (1983) 130-142
The crystal structure of a Li,Be-rich brittle mica: a dioctahedral-trioctahedral
Locality: Mops pegmatite, Salisbury district, Zimbabwe
_database_code_amcsd 0000888
5.058 8.763 19.111 90 95.39 90 Cc
atom     x      y     z occ Biso B(1,1) B(2,2)  B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3)  B(2,3)
Ca1      0 .09104   .25          0.0136 0.0049 0.00040 -.0004 0.0003 -.00010
Li1   .259   .248  .503 .50  1.1
Al2  .7458  .9152 .9999          0.0038 0.0012 0.00025 0.0006 0.0000 0.00000
Al3  .2535  .0847     0          0.0035 0.0017 0.00030 -.0006 0.0003 0.00005
Al1  .4653  .9238 .1421 .71      0.0052 0.0039 0.00036 -.0016 0.0001 0.00040
Si1  .4653  .9238 .1421 .05      0.0052 0.0039 0.00036 -.0016 0.0001 0.00040
Be1  .4653  .9238 .1421 .24      0.0052 0.0039 0.00036 -.0016 0.0001 0.00040
Al11 .5346  .0768 .8552 .15      0.0042 0.0004 0.00011 0.0008 0.0001 -.00011
Si11 .5346  .0768 .8552 .81      0.0042 0.0004 0.00011 0.0008 0.0001 -.00011
Be11 .5346  .0768 .8552 .04      0.0042 0.0004 0.00011 0.0008 0.0001 -.00011
Al2  .4575  .2535 .1443 .12      0.0039 0.0031 0.00015 -.0007 -.0002 0.00011
Si2  .4575  .2535 .1443 .88      0.0039 0.0031 0.00015 -.0007 -.0002 0.00011
Al22 .5436  .7450 .8572 .70      0.0055 0.0003 0.00032 0.0009 0.0001 0.00004
Be22 .5436  .7450 .8572 .30      0.0055 0.0003 0.00032 0.0009 0.0001 0.00004
O1    .958  .4397 .0517           0.005 0.0020 0.00012 0.0013 0.0002 0.00010
O11   .046  .5648 .9402           0.004 0.0028 0.00010 0.0005 0.0002 0.00030
O2    .400  .2520 .0582           0.007 0.0016 0.00027 0.0006 -.0003 -.00010
O22   .610  .7492 .9467           0.006 0.0011 0.00030 -.0006 0.0002 0.00020
O3    .362  .0927 .1750           0.009 0.0033 0.00042 0.0014 0.0001 0.00040
O33   .642  .9172 .8231           0.007 0.0013 0.00046 -.0015 0.0013 -.00010
O4    .275  .7753 .1671           0.007 0.0038 0.00038 -.0006 -.0004 0.00010
O44   .714  .2208 .8313           0.006 0.0016 0.00054 0.0001 0.0001 0.00050
O5    .291  .3902 .1760           0.005 0.0029 0.00036 0.0014 -.0002 0.00000
O55   .730  .6034 .8225           0.005 0.0022 0.00044 0.0007 -.0004 -.00040
OH6   .449  .5704 .0495           0.002 0.0033 0.00031 0.0002 -.0002 -.00040
OH66  .550  .4345 .9490           0.008 0.0013 0.00041 -.0017 0.0011 0.00000
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Gatta G D, Nenert G, Guastella G, Lotti P, Guastoni A, Rizzato S
Mineralogical Magazine 78 (2014) 55-72
A single-crystal neutron and X-ray diffraction study of a Li,Be-bearing brittle mica
Note: X-ray, T = 100 K
Locality: Harding pegmatite, New Mexico, USA
_database_code_amcsd 0020138
5.0864 8.8186 19.1098 90 95.445 90 C2/c
atom       x      y       z  occ  Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Ca         0 .09233     .25  .74 .0077 -.0078  .0090  .0064      0  .0015      0
Na         0 .09233     .25  .26 .0077 -.0078  .0090  .0064      0  .0015      0
LiM1     .25    .75       0  .39  .027
AlM2   .7466 .91560  .99998      .0049  .0048  .0052  .0047  .0002  .0008  .0002
SiT1   .4652 .92506  .14380 .925 .0059  .0056  .0061  .0063 -.0002  .0015  .0002
BeT1   .4652 .92506  .14380  .02 .0059  .0056  .0061  .0063 -.0002  .0015  .0002
AlT2   .4552 .25546  .14383  .72 .0034  .0035  .0045  .0024  .0005  .0004  .0004
SiT2   .4552 .25546  .14383  .22 .0034  .0035  .0045  .0024  .0005  .0004  .0004
BeT2   .4552 .25546  .14383  .06 .0034  .0035  .0045  .0024  .0005  .0004  .0004
O1     .9571  .4407  .05603      .0086  .0060  .0091  .0109  .0024  .0018 -.0003
O2     .3911  .2517   .0560      .0075  .0078  .0056  .0094  .0004  .0020  .0015
O3     .3604  .0885  .17690      .0083  .0075  .0102  .0077 -.0008  .0029  .0020
O4     .2802  .7797  .16799      .0082  .0088  .0079  .0078  .0012  .0003  .0013
O5     .2799  .3932  .17778      .0079  .0091  .0073  .0074  .0002  .0009 -.0007
O6     .4521  .5659  .05047      .0063  .0059  .0059  .0075 -.0013  .0023 -.0012
H1     .3663  .6559   .0618  .56   .07
H2     .4418  .5943   .0992  .27   .07
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Download hom/bityite.pdf
Gatta G D, Nenert G, Guastella G, Lotti P, Guastoni A, Rizzato S
Mineralogical Magazine 78 (2014) 55-72
A single-crystal neutron and X-ray diffraction study of a Li,Be-bearing brittle mica
Note: X-ray, T = 100 K
Locality: Harding pegmatite, New Mexico, USA
_database_code_amcsd 0020139
5.0864 8.8186 19.1098 90 95.445 90 Cc
atom       x      y       z  occ  Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Ca   -.00033 .09233  .24941 .771 .0078  .0079  .0087  .0070 -.0004  .0017  .0002
Na   -.00033 .09233  .24941 .229 .0078  .0079  .0087  .0070 -.0004  .0017  .0002
LiM1    .269   .758    .000 .413  .018
AlM2  .74815 .91652  .99922      .0040  .0030  .0040  .0051  .0009  .0008  .0003
AlM3  .25504 .08566 -.00074      .0043  .0047  .0045  .0040 -.0008  .0012 -.0001
AlT1  .46538 .92604  .14174 .883 .0039  .0030  .0052  .0038 -.0007  .0013  .0009
BeT1  .46538 .92604  .14174 .117 .0039  .0030  .0052  .0038 -.0007  .0013  .0009
SiT2  .53493 .07566  .85430      .0044  .0052  .0037  .0044  .0004  .0011  .0001
SiT3  .45659 .25580  .14413      .0044  .0041  .0053  .0038  .0005  .0009  .0002
AlT4  .54537 .74504  .85661 .873 .0037  .0043  .0030  .0040 -.0003  .0010 -.0001
BeT4  .54537 .74504  .85661 .127 .0037  .0043  .0030  .0040 -.0003  .0010 -.0001
O1     .9613  .4426   .0520      .0058  .0062  .0081  .0033  .0000  .0016 -.0002
O11    .0477  .5619   .9399      .0061  .0047  .0068  .0072  .0022  .0020  .0009
O2     .3981  .2531   .0588      .0069  .0105  .0057  .0044  .0013  .0003  .0006
O22    .6158  .7488   .9466      .0046  .0038  .0038  .0063 -.0011  .0010  .0004
O3     .3637  .0962   .1764      .0068  .0073  .0075  .0060  .0004  .0019  .0011
O33    .6415  .9185   .8227      .0065  .0068  .0048  .0082 -.0006  .0023 -.0004
O4     .2713  .7767   .1675      .0075  .0066  .0062  .0097 -.0007  .0008  .0004
O44    .7118  .2178   .8314      .0060  .0051  .0075  .0055  .0008  .0008  .0013
O5     .2909  .3906   .1774      .0071  .0066  .0082  .0063 -.0004 -.0003 -.0006
O55    .7316  .6034   .8216      .0061  .0052  .0060  .0071  .0026  .0008 -.0003
O6     .4544  .5674   .0499      .0061
O66    .5505  .4349   .9484      .0043
H1     .3692  .6547   .0617  .54   .10
H2     .4423  .5944   .0959  .49   .10
H3      .643  .3388   .9473  .35   .10
H4      .622  .3543   .9239  .31   .10
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Gatta G D, Nenert G, Guastella G, Lotti P, Guastoni A, Rizzato S
Mineralogical Magazine 78 (2014) 55-72
A single-crystal neutron and X-ray diffraction study of a Li,Be-bearing brittle mica
Note: Neutron, T = 20 K
Locality: Harding pegmatite, New Mexico, USA
_database_code_amcsd 0020140
5.0590 8.7909 19.0176 90 95.459 90 C2/c
atom       x      y       z  occ  Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Ca         0  .0924     .25  .81 .0076 -.0064  .0084  .0081      0  .0012      0
Na         0  .0924     .25  .19 .0076 -.0064  .0084  .0081      0  .0012      0
LiM1     .25    .75       0 .291  .003
AlM2   .7465  .9154   .9997      .0031  .0025  .0027  .0042 -.0003  .0002  .0013
AlT1   .4654  .9251   .1440  .48 .0033  .0020  .0028  .0050 -.0003  .0002 -.0002
SiT1   .4654  .9251   .1440  .50 .0033  .0020  .0028  .0050 -.0003  .0002 -.0002
BeT1   .4654  .9251   .1440  .02 .0033  .0020  .0028  .0050 -.0003  .0002 -.0002
AlT2   .4554  .2551   .1440 .452 .0024  .0018  .0028  .0027  .0003 -.0002 -.0005
SiT2   .4554  .2551   .1440 .452 .0024  .0018  .0028  .0027  .0003 -.0002 -.0005
BeT2   .4554  .2551   .1440  .06 .0024  .0018  .0028  .0027  .0003 -.0002 -.0005
O1    .95655 .44037  .05592      .0061  .0042  .0057  .0083  .0014  .0000 -.0012
O2    .39055 .25211  .05585      .0059  .0061  .0045  .0071  .0010  .0008  .0004
O3    .36028 .08880  .17679      .0071  .0068  .0086  .0063 -.0001  .0020  .0007
O4    .28033 .77942  .16820      .0066  .0077  .0054  .0065  .0009  .0002  .0002
O5    .28007 .39346  .17817      .0063  .0077  .0052  .0058 -.0004 -.0002 -.0012
O6    .45186 .56632  .05081      .0056  .0055  .0040  .0074 -.0008  .0020 -.0003
H1     .0618  .3663   .6559 .562  .028   .017   .016   .051   .001   .012  -.013
H2     .0992  .4418   .5943 .274  .034   .035   .051   .019  -.011   .013  -.014
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Download hom/bityite.pdf
Gatta G D, Nenert G, Guastella G, Lotti P, Guastoni A, Rizzato S
Mineralogical Magazine 78 (2014) 55-72
A single-crystal neutron and X-ray diffraction study of a Li,Be-bearing brittle mica
Note: Neutron, T = 20 K
Locality: Harding pegmatite, New Mexico, USA
_database_code_amcsd 0020141
5.0590 8.7909 19.0176 90 95.459 90 Cc
atom       x      y       z   occ  Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Ca     .0009  .0920   .2491   .79 .0075  .0073  .0078  .0074  .0015  .0011  .0002
Na     .0009  .0920   .2491   .21 .0075  .0073  .0078  .0074  .0015  .0011  .0002
LiM1    .253   .759   .0020 .2665  .003
AlM2   .7479  .9160   .9991       .0031
AlM3   .2547  .0853  -.0003       .0036
AlT1   .4666  .9255  .14181   .95 .0027
BeT1   .4666  .9255  .14181   .05 .0027
SiT2   .5355  .0756  .85432       .0027
SiT3   .4569  .2551  .14414       .0027
AlT4   .5454  .7449  .85629   .94 .0027
BeT4   .5454  .7449  .85629   .06 .0027
O1     .9596  .4435  .05228       .0043
O11    .0471  .5632  .94042       .0044
O2     .3956  .2536  .05835       .0063
O22    .6142  .7494  .94649       .0036
O3     .3610  .0956  .17611       .0058
O33    .6403  .9180  .82243       .0057
O4     .2729  .7769  .16767       .0052
O44    .7122  .2183  .83131       .0057
O5     .2896  .3915  .17727       .0053
O55    .7305  .6038  .82119       .0059
O6     .4524  .5676  .05010       .0053
O66    .5499  .4348  .94822       .0052
H1      .369  .6547   .0617   .54  .025
H2      .442  .5944   .0959   .49  .029
H3      .643  .3388   .9473   .35  .010
H41     .622  .3543   .9239   .31  .011
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