Chromium-dravite |
Bosi F, Lucchesi S, Reznitskii L |
European Journal of Mineralogy 16 (2004) 345-352 |
Crystal chemistry of the dravite-chromdravite series |
Note: Tourmaline TMt3b |
Locality: Sludyanka crystalline complex, Lake Baikal, Russia |
_database_code_amcsd 0007057 |
16.0539 16.0539 7.3247 90 90 120 R3m |
atom x y z occ Uiso |
NaX 0 0 .2255 .880 .0171 |
CaX 0 0 .2255 .073 .0171 |
KX 0 0 .2255 .017 .0171 |
CrY .12335 .061675 .63774 .711 .00408 |
MgY .12335 .061675 .63774 .146 .00408 |
V3+Y .12335 .061675 .63774 .118 .00408 |
Fe2+Y .12335 .061675 .63774 .017 .00408 |
ZnY .12335 .061675 .63774 .007 .00408 |
Ti4+Y .12335 .061675 .63774 .001 .00408 |
CrZ .29779 .26179 .60896 .369 .0045 |
AlZ .29779 .26179 .60896 .331 .0045 |
MgZ .29779 .26179 .60896 .301 .0045 |
SiT .19001 .18832 0 .981 .0041 |
AlT .19001 .18832 0 .019 .0041 |
B .10977 .21954 .4543 .0045 |
O1W 0 0 .7652 .609 .0054 |
F1W 0 0 .7652 .381 .0054 |
OH1W 0 0 .7652 .009 .0054 |
O2 .06021 .12042 .4891 .0059 |
O3V .2564 .1282 .5098 .0088 |
O4 .09250 .18500 .0717 .0090 |
O5 .1824 .0912 .0913 .0086 |
O6 .19138 .18214 .7802 .0063 |
O7 .28320 .28263 .0737 .0081 |
O8 .20739 .26778 .4377 .0093 |
H3V .259 .1295 .39 .14 |
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Chromium-dravite |
Bosi F, Lucchesi S, Reznitskii L |
European Journal of Mineralogy 16 (2004) 345-352 |
Crystal chemistry of the dravite-chromdravite series |
Note: Tourmaline TMt6b |
Locality: Sludyanka crystalline complex, Lake Baikal, Russia |
_database_code_amcsd 0007058 |
16.0377 16.0377 7.3157 90 90 120 R3m |
atom x y z occ Uiso |
NaX 0 0 .2254 .892 .0183 |
CaX 0 0 .2254 .068 .0183 |
KX 0 0 .2254 .017 .0183 |
CrY .12339 .061695 .63757 .743 .0045 |
MgY .12339 .061695 .63757 .154 .0045 |
V3+Y .12339 .061695 .63757 .081 .0045 |
Fe2+Y .12339 .061695 .63757 .012 .0045 |
Ti4+Y .12339 .061695 .63757 .010 .0045 |
AlZ .29781 .26188 .60891 .390 .0052 |
MgZ .29781 .26188 .60891 .310 .0052 |
CrZ .29781 .26188 .60891 .300 .0052 |
SiT .19013 .18840 0 .996 .0046 |
AlT .19013 .18840 0 .004 .0046 |
B .10992 .21984 .4541 .0048 |
O1W 0 0 .7651 .668 .0067 |
F1W 0 0 .7651 .332 .0067 |
O2 .06024 .12048 .4893 .0064 |
O3V .2565 .12825 .5102 .0097 |
O4 .09262 .18524 .0720 .0100 |
O5 .1826 .0913 .0913 .0089 |
O6 .19144 .18221 .7803 .0074 |
O7 .28310 .28278 .0734 .0091 |
O8 .20752 .26819 .4382 .0104 |
H3V .237 .1185 .36 .994 .14 |
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Chromium-dravite |
Bosi F, Lucchesi S, Reznitskii L |
European Journal of Mineralogy 16 (2004) 345-352 |
Crystal chemistry of the dravite-chromdravite series |
Note: Tourmaline TMt3c |
Locality: Sludyanka crystalline complex, Lake Baikal, Russia |
_database_code_amcsd 0007059 |
16.0299 16.0299 7.3056 90 90 120 R3m |
atom x y z occ Uiso |
NaX 0 0 .2237 .842 .0186 |
CaX 0 0 .2237 .043 .0186 |
KX 0 0 .2237 .027 .0186 |
CrY .12337 .061675 .63710 .580 .0045 |
V3+Y .12337 .061675 .63710 .261 .0045 |
MgY .12337 .061675 .63710 .121 .0045 |
AlY .12337 .061675 .63710 .028 .0045 |
Fe2+Y .12337 .061675 .63710 .007 .0045 |
ZnY .12337 .061675 .63710 .003 .0045 |
Ti4+Y .12337 .061675 .63710 .001 .0045 |
AlZ .29791 .26194 .60892 .440 .0055 |
MgZ .29791 .26194 .60892 .287 .0055 |
CrZ .29791 .26194 .60892 .272 .0055 |
Fe2+Z .29791 .26194 .60892 .001 .0055 |
SiT .19027 .18858 0 .978 .0040 |
AlT .19027 .18858 0 .022 .0040 |
B .1100 .2200 .4543 .0054 |
O1W 0 0 .7654 .639 .0062 |
F1W 0 0 .7654 .361 .0062 |
O2 .06041 .12082 .4887 .0068 |
OH3V .2570 .1285 .5097 .979 .0100 |
O3V .2570 .1285 .5097 .021 .0100 |
O4 .09276 .18552 .0718 .0098 |
O5 .1829 .09145 .0918 .0088 |
O6 .19186 .18238 .7793 .0073 |
O7 .28339 .28328 .0737 .0087 |
O8 .20787 .26860 .4380 .0103 |
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Chromium-dravite |
Bosi F, Lucchesi S, Reznitskii L |
European Journal of Mineralogy 16 (2004) 345-352 |
Crystal chemistry of the dravite-chromdravite series |
Note: Tourmaline TMpr79f |
Locality: Sludyanka crystalline complex, Lake Baikal, Russia |
_database_code_amcsd 0007060 |
16.0204 16.0204 7.2985 90 90 120 R3m |
atom x y z occ Uiso |
NaX 0 0 .2251 .829 .0179 |
CaX 0 0 .2251 .097 .0179 |
KX 0 0 .2251 .014 .0179 |
CrY .12337 .061675 .63729 .766 .0044 |
MgY .12337 .061675 .63729 .158 .0044 |
V3+Y .12337 .061675 .63729 .049 .0044 |
Fe2+Y .12337 .061675 .63729 .014 .0044 |
Ti4+Y .12337 .061675 .63729 .010 .0044 |
ZnY .12337 .061675 .63729 .004 .0044 |
AlZ .29783 .26189 .60889 .444 .0053 |
MgZ .29783 .26189 .60889 .289 .0053 |
CrZ .29783 .26189 .60889 .267 .0053 |
SiT .19032 .18856 0 .997 .0043 |
AlT .19032 .18856 0 .003 .0043 |
B .10995 .21990 .4542 .0049 |
O1W 0 0 .7653 .607 .0060 |
F1W 0 0 .7653 .393 .0060 |
O2 .06030 .12060 .4882 .0064 |
O3V .2569 .12845 .5098 .0092 |
O4 .09258 .18516 .0717 .0092 |
O5 .1827 .09135 .0916 .0086 |
O6 .19182 .18237 .7796 .0068 |
O7 .28347 .28306 .0737 .0086 |
O8 .20776 .26828 .4383 .0098 |
H3V .248 .124 .382 .940 .07 |
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Chromium-dravite |
Bosi F, Lucchesi S, Reznitskii L |
European Journal of Mineralogy 16 (2004) 345-352 |
Crystal chemistry of the dravite-chromdravite series |
Note: Tourmaline TM1p43e |
Locality: Sludyanka crystalline complex, Lake Baikal, Russia |
_database_code_amcsd 0007061 |
15.9911 15.9911 7.2764 90 90 120 R3m |
atom x y z occ Uiso |
NaX 0 0 .2245 .888 .0180 |
CaX 0 0 .2245 .028 .0180 |
KX 0 0 .2245 .022 .0180 |
CrY .12349 .061745 .63680 .726 .0045 |
MgY .12349 .061745 .63680 .217 .0045 |
AlY .12349 .061745 .63680 .032 .0045 |
V3+Y .12349 .061745 .63680 .019 .0045 |
ZnY .12349 .061745 .63680 .005 .0045 |
Ti4+Y .12349 .061745 .63680 .001 .0045 |
AlZ .29794 .26194 .60929 .541 .0054 |
MgZ .29794 .26194 .60929 .253 .0054 |
CrZ .29794 .26194 .60929 .162 .0054 |
V3+Z .29794 .26194 .60929 .037 .0054 |
Fe2+Z .29794 .26194 .60929 .006 .0054 |
SiT .19050 .18872 0 .998 .0044 |
AlT .19050 .18872 0 .002 .0044 |
B .11011 .22022 .4541 .0047 |
O1W 0 0 .7653 .707 .0064 |
F1W 0 0 .7653 .259 .0064 |
OH1W 0 0 .7653 .034 .0064 |
O2 .06044 .12088 .4883 .0067 |
O3V .2577 .12885 .5099 .0100 |
O4 .09270 .18540 .0716 .0098 |
O5 .1832 .0916 .0916 .0087 |
O6 .19234 .18293 .7791 .0070 |
O7 .28368 .28345 .0744 .0089 |
O8 .20809 .26881 .4384 .0101 |
H3V .252 .126 .38 .15 |
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Chromium |
Wyckoff R W G |
Crystal Structures 1 (1963) 7-83 |
Second edition. Interscience Publishers, New York, New York |
Cubic closest packed, ccp, structure |
_database_code_amcsd 0011144 |
3.68 3.68 3.68 90 90 90 Fm3m |
atom x y z |
Cr 0 0 0 |
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Chromium |
Wyckoff R W G |
Crystal Structures 1 (1963) 7-83 |
Second edition. Interscience Publishers, New York, New York |
Hexagonal closest packed, hcp, structure |
_database_code_amcsd 0011170 |
2.722 2.722 4.427 90 90 120 P6_3/mmc |
atom x y z |
Cr 1/3 2/3 .25 |
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Chromium |
Wyckoff R W G |
Crystal Structures 1 (1963) 7-83 |
Second edition. Interscience Publishers, New York, New York |
Body centered cubic, bcc, structure |
_database_code_amcsd 0011209 |
2.8839 2.8839 2.8839 90 90 90 Im3m |
atom x y z |
Cr 0 0 0 |
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Chromium |
Kimoto K, Nishida I |
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 22 (1967) 744-756 |
An electron diffraction study on the crystal structure of |
a new modification of chromium |
Locality: synthetic |
_database_code_amcsd 0014168 |
4.588 4.588 4.588 90 90 90 Pm3 |
atom x y z occ |
Cr1 0 0 0 |
Cr2 .5 .5 .5 |
Cr3 .248 .04 .51 .25 |
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Chromium |
Bradley A J, Ollard E F |
Nature 117 (1926) 122-122 |
Allotropy of chromium |
Locality: synthetic |
_database_code_amcsd 0014671 |
2.714 2.714 4.410 90 90 120 P6_3/mmc |
atom x y z |
Cr 1/3 2/3 .25 |
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Chromium |
Hull A W, Davey W P |
Physical Review 14 (1919) 540-540 |
Crystal structure of chromium |
_database_code_amcsd 0015114 |
2.91 2.91 2.91 90 90 90 Im3m |
atom x y z |
Cr 0 0 0 |
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