Stangersite |
Sejkora J, Berlepsch P, Makovicky E, Balic-Zunic T |
European Journal of Mineralogy 13 (2001) 791-800 |
Natural SnGeS3 from Radvanice near Trutnov (Czech Republic): |
its description, crystal structure refinement and solid solution with PbGeS3 |
Locality: Radvanice near Trutnov, Czech Republic |
_database_code_amcsd 0006896 |
7.2704 10.197 6.8463 90 105.34 90 P2_1/c |
atom x y z Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
Sn1 .87533 .08152 .22624 .0258 .0228 .0288 .0245 .0022 .0039 .0036 |
Ge1 .31887 .20837 .49671 .0159 .0177 .0155 .0152 .0000 .0054 .0002 |
S1 .2241 .0054 .4132 .0170 .0165 .0130 .0211 .0004 .0042 .0013 |
S2 .5126 .2158 .8144 .0189 .0140 .0295 .0134 .0021 .0038 -.0041 |
S3 .9481 .8217 .0809 .0185 .0191 .0171 .0193 -.0049 .0052 .0006 |
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