American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

Search Tips

  • This is a generalized search of the American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database. Only word(s) or a single phrase relevant to the American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database can be found. We use the term "word" to mean a character string.

  • One or more words can be entered. Multiple words should be separated by white spaces. For instance, the search for the words
      Acmite 1973
    will yield datasets containing either of these two words, depending on the logical AND/OR constraints. AND means all words must be present in the dataset file, and OR means only 1 of the words needs to be in a dataset file.

  • In order to search for a phrase, one must enclose the phrase within quotes. For instance, the search for
      "crystal structure"
    will only yield the datasets containing that phrase.

  • You may use the NOT keyword to exclude matches. For instance, searching for
      quartz NOT elastic
    will return all matches that contain quartz but not elastic. You may also use quoted phrases, i.e.
      quartz NOT "powder synchrotron"
    Any words or phrases after the keyword "NOT" will be exluded.

  • The search is NOT case sensitive. For example, searches for
      Acmite, acmite, acMite
    will all return the same result.

  • A search for "P =" will return all crystal structures of samples at pressure.

  • A search for "T =" will return all crystal structures of samples at temperature.

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