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Name: Hambergite RRUFF ID: R050603 Ideal Chemistry: Be2(BO3)(OH) Locality: Momeik, Burma Source: Bill Larson Owner: RRUFF Description: Colorless fragment from a striated prismatic crystal Status: The identification of this mineral has been confirmed by X-ray diffraction. |
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RAMAN SPECTRUM | ||||||||||||
INFRARED SPECTRUM (Attenuated Total Reflectance) | |||||||||||||
RRUFF ID: | R050603.1 | |||||||
Sample Description: | Powder | |||||||
Cell Refinement Output: |
a: 9.7668(3)Å b: 12.1925(5)Å c: 4.4318(2)Å alpha: 90.° beta: 90.° gamma: 90.° Volume: 527.76(3)Å3 Crystal System: orthorhombic |
REFERENCES for Hambergite | |
American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database Record: [view record] |
Anthony J W, Bideaux R A, Bladh K W, and Nichols M C (1990) Handbook of Mineralogy, Mineral Data Publishing, Tucson Arizona, USA, by permission of the Mineralogical Society of America. [view file] |
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Zachariasen W H (1931) The crystalline structure of hambergite Be2BO3(OH), Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, 76, 289-302 [view file] |
Switzer G, Clarke R S, Sinkankas J, Worthing H W (1965) Fluorine in hambergite, American Mineralogist, 50, 85-95 [view file] |
Burns P C, Novák M, Hawthorne F C (1995) Fluorine-hydroxyl variation in hambergite: a crystal-structure study, The Canadian Mineralogist, 33, 1205-1213 [view file] |
Novák M, Burns P C, Morgan G B (1998) Flourine variation in hambergite from granitic pegmatites, The Canadian Mineralogist, 36, 441-446 [view file] |
Shannon R D, Shannon R C, Medenbach O, Fischer R X (2002) Refractive index and dispersion of fluorides and oxides, Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data, 31, 931-970 [view file] |
Gatta G D, McIntyre G J, Bromiley G, Guastoni A, Nestola F (2012) A single-crystal neutron diffraction study of hambergite, Be2BO3(OH,F), American Mineralogist, 97, 1891-1897 [view file] |