Perroudite R070484

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Name: Perroudite
RRUFF ID: R070484
Ideal Chemistry: Ag4Hg5S5(I,Br)2Cl2
Locality: Cap Garonne Mine, Pradet, Var, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France
Source: Michael Scott S102891 [view label]
Owner: RRUFF
Description: Reddish brown acicular crystals associated with green or pale-green cornwallite, light-yellow barite and quartz
Status: The identification of this mineral has been confirmed by single-crystal X-ray diffraction.
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Sample Description: Unoriented sample, sample burns under laser 532 nm at all power levels
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RRUFF ID: R070484
Sample Description: Unoriented sample, sample burns under laser 532 nm at all power levels
Instrument settings: Thermo Almega XR 785nm @ 20% of 500mW
RRUFF ID: R070484.9
Sample Description: Single crystal, powder profile is calculated
Cell Refinement Output: a: 17.427(4)Å    b: 12.223(4)Å    c: 4.265(1)Å
alpha: 90°    beta: 90°    gamma: 90°   Volume: 908.5(7)Å3    Crystal System: orthorhombic
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Calculated diffraction file.

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Output file from the Bruker D8 Advance instrument. Includes device headers and XY data.

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REFERENCES for Perroudite

American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database Record: [view record]

Anthony J W, Bideaux R A, Bladh K W, and Nichols M C (1990) Handbook of Mineralogy, Mineral Data Publishing, Tucson Arizona, USA, by permission of the Mineralogical Society of America. [view file]

Mumme W G, Nickel E H (1987) Crystal structure and crystal chemistry of perroudite: a mineral from Coppin Pool, Western Australia, American Mineralogist, 72, 1257-1262   [view file]

Sarp H, Birch W D, Hlava P F, Pring A, Sewell D K B, Nickel E H (1987) Perroudite, a new sulfide-halide of Hg and Ag from Cap-Garonne, Var, France, and from Broken Hill, New South Wales, and Coppin Pool, Western Australia, American Mineralogist, 72, 1251-1256   [view file]

Piilonen P C, Ercit T S (2005) New mineral names, American Mineralogist, 90, 1466-1469   [view file]

Roth P (2007) Perroudite, in Minerals first discovered in Switzerland and minerals named after Swiss individuals Kristallografik Verlag Achberg Germany 194-195