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Name: Eudidymite RRUFF ID: R060383 Ideal Chemistry: Na2Be2Si6O15·H2O Locality: Mount Malosa, Zomba District, Malawi Source: Herb Obodda 046 [view label] Owner: RRUFF Description: Colorless to tan micaceous book Status: The identification of this mineral has been confirmed by X-ray diffraction and chemical analysis |
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CHEMISTRY | ||||||||
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RAMAN SPECTRUM | ||||||||||||
RRUFF ID: | R060383.1 | ||||||
Sample Description: | Powder | ||||||
Cell Refinement Output: |
a: 12.617(2)Å b: 7.3775(9)Å c: 13.986(1)Å alpha: 90.° beta: 103.708(9)° gamma: 90.° Volume: 1264.8(2)Å3 Crystal System: monoclinic |
REFERENCES for Eudidymite | |
American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database Record: [view record] |
Anthony J W, Bideaux R A, Bladh K W, and Nichols M C (1990) Handbook of Mineralogy, Mineral Data Publishing, Tucson Arizona, USA, by permission of the Mineralogical Society of America. [view file] |
Brøgger W C (1887) Om “eudidymit”, et nyt norsk mineral, Nyt Magazin for Naturvidenskabena, Kristiana, 31, 196-199 [view file] |
Brøgger W C (1890) Die mineralien der syenitpegmatitgänge der südnorwegischen augit- und nephelinsyenite. 64. Eudidymit, Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, 16, 586-597 [view file] |
Nickel E H (1963) Eudidymite from Seal Lake, Labrador, Newfoundland, The Canadian Mineralogist, 7, 643-649 [view file] |
Fang J H, Robinson P D, Ohya Y (1972) Redetermination of the crystal structure of eudidymite and its dimorphic relationship to epididymite, American Mineralogist, 57, 1345-1354 [view file] |
Shannon R D, Shannon R C, Medenbach O, Fischer R X (2002) Refractive index and dispersion of fluorides and oxides, Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data, 31, 931-970 [view file] |
Gatta G D, Rotiroti N, McIntyre G J, Guastoni A, Nestola F (2008) New insights into the crystal chemistry of epididymite and eudidymite from Malosa, Malawi: A single-crystal neutron diffraction study, American Mineralogist, 93, 1158-1165 [view file] |