X-ray Determination of Centrosymmetry in three Felspars1

S. W. Bailey, R. B. Ferguson and W. H. Taylor
Crystallographic Laboratory, Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge
1The substance of this paper was presented briefly during discussion at a special meeting of the Mineralogical Society devoted to felspars, May 16, 1951.

Summary: Three statistical tests, depending upon the probability distribution of X-ray intensities, have been applied to orthoclase, sanidine, and albite. It is concluded that these three felspars posses centres of symmetry, justifying the assumption of holohedral symmetry made in earlier structure analyses.

Mineralogical Magazine; December 1951 v. 29; no. 215; p. 759-764; DOI: 10.1180/minmag.1951.029.215.02
© 1951, The Mineralogical Society
Mineralogical Society (www.minersoc.org)