Summary: An elongated boss of alkali dolerite is described having a NW. trend and measuring 800 m. by 250 m. Two main rock-types occur, an ophitic feldspar-rich analcime-olivine-dolerite or leucodolerite and a teschenite with subhedral pyroxene. The second type is intrusive into the first but the two are associated in vertical veins. Both show local banding and analcime-nepheline-syenite forms a differentiate of both. Finer grained olivine-rich dolerite resembling the crinanites of Jura occurs at the NW. extremity of the boss and probably represents the original magma. All four types have been analysed and are thought to be the products of normal crystal fractionation with slight absolute iron enrichment. The boss was apparently headed not far above the existing exposures and is considered to be of Tertiary age. The pyroxene and olivine of the leucodolerite have been separated and analysed.
Mineralogical Magazine; July 1959 v. 32; no. 245; p. 140-152; DOI: 10.1180/minmag.1959.32.245.06
© 1959, The Mineralogical Society
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