Summary: Zeolites occur at most of the 670 localities studied in the Antrim Basalts, and the ten most abundant species, in order of frequency, are chabazite, thomsonite, analcime, levyne, natrolite, mesolite, stilbite, gmelinite, heulandite, and phillipsite. Gismondine, laumontite, and mordenite are recorded for the first time. Chabazite and thomsonite characterize the upper parts of the lava succession. Below, they are joined by analcime and natrolite and, in some areas where zeolitization is most intense, by stilbite and heulandite, as well. These mineral zones have been mapped, and they probably reflect the temperature distribution in the lavas during zeolitization. Being discordant and clearly superimposed upon the lavas, these zones establish the late age of zeolitization in the volcanic history of Antrim. In places the zeolite zones are missing, and in their place a mineral assemblage rich in calcite, aragonite, quartz, and chalcedony is found. The tholeiite lavas that occupy a small area in north Antrim have an amygdale mineral assemblage different from that in the olivine-basalts, which constitute the remainder of the lava outcrop.
Mineralogical Magazine; September 1960 v. 32; no. 250; p. 503-527; DOI: 10.1180/minmag.1960.032.250.01
© 1960, The Mineralogical Society
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