Summary: Minerals approximating to the formulae PtSb2, PtSb, Pt(Sb,Bi), (Pt,Ir)As2, Pt(Ir,Os)2As4, Pd2CuSb, Pd(Sb,Bi), Pd8CuSb3, Pt4Sn3Cu4, and (Fe,Ni)2S have been discovered as fine intergrowths in platinum concentrates from the Driekop mine, Transvaal, South Africa. Conventional ore microscopy also proved the presence of most of the known minerals of the platinum paragenesis. The name geversite is proposed for the phase PtSb2.
Mineralogical Magazine; September 1961 v. 32; no. 254; p. 833-847; DOI: 10.1180/minmag.1961.032.254.01
© 1961, The Mineralogical Society
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