Note on a Chrome and Two Manganese Garnets from India

G. G. K. Sastri
Director of Geology and Mining, Government of Gujarat, Ahmedabad 16, India

Summary: Mineralogic data on a chrome garnet, a spessartine, and a spandite from India are presented. The chrome garnet, named hanléite by Fermor, carries 89·7 % uvarovite, and is not a distinct mineral. The end-member compositions of the manganese garnets, recast from their chemical analyses, lend support to the existence of calderite and blythite as garnet end-members.

Mineralogical Magazine; June 1963 v. 33; no. 261; p. 508-511; DOI: 10.1180/minmag.1963.033.261.08
© 1963, The Mineralogical Society
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