The Occurrence of Eclogite on the Lyell Highway, Tasmania

Alan Spry
Department of Geology, University of Tasmania

Summary: Eclogite occurring about 20 miles east of Queenstown, Tasmania, is the first example of this kind of rock to be described in detail from Australia. It has the chemical composition of a basic igneous rock and consists of garnet (Al15·8Fe0·6‴Fe10·0″Mg7·3Ca5·7Si24O96) and pyroxene (Ca4·5Na2·5Mg3·7Fe0·7″Fe0·4‴Ti0·1Al3·7viAl0·7ivSi15·3O48) with amphibole, muscovite, zoisite, quartz, rutile, and pyrite. The eclogite consists of lenticular bodies within Precambrian garnetiferous schists.

Mineralogical Magazine; September 1963 v. 33; no. 262; p. 589-593; DOI: 10.1180/minmag.1963.033.262.05
© 1963, The Mineralogical Society
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