Summary: The estimation of molybdenum and tungsten when present together has proved difficult, as is indicated by the large number of methods put forward for their determination.1 Many of the methods given are for one or other of these elements only, a note often being added that the presence of the other invalidates the method. The estimation of molybdate and tungstate in the mineral powellite has been briefly described by one of the authors (A. A. M.):2 molybdate and tungstate were precipitated as oxinates (Mo,W)O2(C9H6ON)2 and the molybdate (MoO4″) determined by measurement of the optical density at 230 mµ of a solution containing molybdate and tungstate. The amount of tungstate present was then estimated by difference. The property of the molybdate ion, MoO4″, to absorb strongly in the ultra-violet has been further investigated and it has been found that, if a wave-length of 240 mµ is chosen and the proper precautions taken, the MoO4″ ion can be estimated without significant interference by the WO4″ ion. Methods are given for the analysis of the common molybdate and tungstate minerals, together with results obtained during the course of this investigation.
Mineralogical Magazine; September 1966 v. 35; no. 275; p. 995-1002; DOI: 10.1180/minmag.1966.035.275.13
© 1966, The Mineralogical Society
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