An Occurrence of Todorokite in the Deuteric Stage of a Basalt

L. J. Lawrence, P. Bayliss and Paul Tonkin
School of Applied Geology, University of New South Wales, Australia

Summary: An occurrence of todorokite having a formula (Mn2+,Ca)Mn54+O11.4H2O is recorded from Ardglen, 150 miles N.N.W. of Sydney, New South Wales. The composition of Ardglen todorokite is somewhat simpler than previously recorded occurrences, most of which were in manganese and manganese—base-metal ore deposits. The simpler composition is explained in terms of its occurrence as a late deuteric mineral associated with manganocalcite and zeolites in an altered Tertiary basalt. The manganese is believed to have been derived from the deuteric alteration of the augite of the basalt.

Mineralogical Magazine; June 1968 v. 36; no. 282; p. 757-760; DOI: 10.1180/minmag.1968.036.282.01
© 1968, The Mineralogical Society
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