Summary: Mineral data and a brief outline of the structure for zussmanite (ideal formula KFe13Si17AlO42(OH)14) have been published previously. This paper describes the determination of the crystal structure and presents and discusses the results. The structure consists of rhombohedrally stacked layers of Fe-(O,OH) octahedra to each side of which are attached rings of six (Si,Al)-O tetrahedra. These composite layers are linked to one another by rings of three (Si,Al)-O tetrahedra, and by potassium atoms, the latter in positions analogous to those in a mica. There is some evidence of disorder of the layer stacking. Interatomic distances and angles, and valency balance, are discussed.
Mineralogical Magazine; March 1969 v. 37; no. 285; p. 49-60; DOI: 10.1180/minmag.1969.037.285.06
© 1969, The Mineralogical Society
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