Preparation of Glass Standards for the Use in X-ray Microanalysis

J. A. T. Smellie
Department of Geology, Queen's University, Belfast

Summary: Homogeneous glasses for the use as standards in electron-probe microanalysis were prepared as an alternative to natural minerals, oxides, and pure minerals. Homogeneity was achieved by careful grinding, mixing, and fusion of powders of known composition. Fusion was carried out under vacuum using a molybdenum boat. This method avoided bubbles and contamination and made it possible to achieve temperatures high enough for final mixing to occur during the fusion process. Nine glass beads each containing six to seven oxides were subjected to careful micro-probe examination. A statistical analysis of the results showed that for each element there was no significant difference in composition between the spots measured. As the analysing spot was of diameter 0·8 µ, this showed that the glasses were homogenous on a sub-micron scale.

Mineralogical Magazine; March 1972 v. 38; no. 297; p. 614-617; DOI: 10.1180/minmag.1972.038.297.10
© 1972, The Mineralogical Society
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