Hematophanite, a Derivative of the Perovskite Structure1

R. C. Rouse2
Department of Geology and Mineralogy, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A.
1Contribution No. 307, The Mineralogical Laboratory, Department of Geology and Mineralogy, The University of Michigan.
2Present address: Dept. of Mineral Sciences, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560.

Summary: Hematophanite, ideally Pb4Fe3O8Cl, is tetragonal, space group P4mm, with a = 3·92 and c = 15·31 Å. The crystal structure, which has been refined to an R-factor of 9·1 %, may be described as an interlayering of perovskite-like units with a cesium chloride or, alternatively, a nadoritelike unit. The nadorite-like part consists of a double layer of PbO4Cl4 distorted square antiprisms. Iron atoms are in 6-fold (tetragonal bipyramidal) and 5-fold (square pyramidal) coordination.

Mineralogical Magazine; March 1973 v. 39; no. 301; p. 49-53; DOI: 10.1180/minmag.1973.039.301.06
© 1973, The Mineralogical Society
Mineralogical Society (www.minersoc.org)