Summary: The lattice types of omphacite-diopside series clinopyroxenes were determined for 9 Japanese, 2 Norwegian, and 1 South African samples. The boundary between the compositional ranges of P and C lattice clinopyroxenes lies at about 14·5 wt. % CaO in Japanese and Norwegian samples, and the compositional gap between them is very small, if it exists. The South African omphacite has C-lattice in the compositional range of P lattice omphacite in metamorphic eclogites. These data combined with the reported electron microscope studies suggest that the omphacite-diopside series clinopyroxene has a C lattice structure above 3 to 400 °C and very slow cooling after regional metamorphism is responsible for the transition to the ordered structure with P lattice symmetry.
Mineralogical Magazine; September 1976 v. 40; no. 315; p. 773-779; DOI: 10.1180/minmag.1976.040.315.12
© 1976, The Mineralogical Society
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