Summary: Pontlyfni and Mount Morris (Wisconsin) are briefly described. Chondrule structure is absent from both, the latter is coarsely crystalline and both are sulphide-rich and contain forsterite and enstatite. Kakangari has well-defined chondrules; its silicate and sulphide minerals are unequilibrated, but similar to those of Pont-lyfni and Mount Morris (Wisconsin). New bulk chemical analyses are presented; Pontlyfni has 33·84 % total Fe and 7·04 % S; Mount Morris (Wisconsin) has 19·88 % total Fe and 4·72 % S; and Kakangari has 22·79 % total Fe and 5·30 % S. These three meteorites, together with Winona, have ordinary chondritic Mg/Si ratios, which result in their having abundant forsterite; this distinguishes them from E-chondrites. The four meteorites have Mg/Si ratios lower than those of C-chondrites, and they are more reduced than C or ordinary chondrites. These four unusual stones, therefore, have some chemical similarities, for example all have Mg/Si (atomic) of about 0·95, mean olivine composition ranging from Fa1 to Fa5, and significant Cr in the sulphide. Cumberland Fails chondritic xenoliths and other exotic fragments in polymict meteorites may be related to the four stones, which may ultimately prove to belong to a distinct chemical group of chondrites related to the irons of Group IAB.
These meteorites are described and discussed together because they have similarities in mineralogy, bulk composition, and oxidation state. All have more than 10 % forsterite (i.e. an olivine in the range Fa0·10). In our study we investigated the mineral chemistry of, first, Kakangari (Graham and Hutchison, 1974), and then Mount Morris (Wisconsin), with cursory examination of the previously described Winona (Mason and Jarosewich, 1967) and Cumberland Falls chondritic fraction (Binns, 1969; Jarosewich, 1967). By chance, the British Museum (Natural History) acquired the Pontlyfni stone during the course of this work. Pontlyfni fell in Wales in 1931, but is so far undescribed; it proved to be chemically and mineralogically similar to Kakangari. We thank Mr. J. R. Owen, the original owner, for its timely addition to the Museum's Collection.
Mineralogical Magazine; June 1977 v. 41; no. 318; p. 201-210; DOI: 10.1180/minmag.1977.041.318.07
© 1977, The Mineralogical Society
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