Summary: Zincian högbomite has formed by hydrous alteration of spinel and biotite in a lens of highly aluminomagnesian sapphirine-bearing granulite-facies rocks. The högbomite forms chestnut-brown |0001} flakes 1 mm across. ε = 1·827, ω = 1·852 (− 0·002). Analysis: BeO 0·10, SiO20·65, Al2O3 59·69, TiO2 5·37, Ga2O3 0·23, Nb2O5 0·01, Fe2O3 5·24, SnO2 0·06, NiO 0·04, ZrO2 0·03, MgO 7sd69, Sc2O3 0·01, CoO 0·11, ZnO 3·08, FeO 17·52, In2O3 0·05, MnO 0·12. The pattern of d-spacings is anomalous. Other högbomites from the region have exsolved from cordierite or titaniferous opaque oxides.
Mineralogical Magazine; September 1977 v. 41; no. 319; p. 337-344; DOI: 10.1180/minmag.1977.041.319.04
© 1977, The Mineralogical Society
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