Summary: After approximately 50% of K from the 1–2 μm fraction of a naturally occurring microcrystalline muscovite was extracted with BaCl2 solution at 98°C electron-diffraction patterns showed a honeycomb-shaped diffuse scattering as well as intense diffuse streaks. The diffuse scattering became pronounced with increasing K-depletion. It may be interpreted in terms of a short-range order distribution of interlayer Ba ions, using an analogy to the work by Alcover et al. (1972, 1976). Since the diffuse streaks still remained after re-entry of K to the K-depleted specimen they might be related to structural disturbance, particularly in the basal oxygen arrangements, resulting from the K-extraction. Subsequent conversions of Ba-saturated vermiculitized muscovite into Na-, Mg-, and Ca-forms revealed distinct extra diffraction spots midway between two ordinary diffraction spots. They were broader than the ordinary spots and elongated along the three directions of [01]*, [11]*, and [11]*. The diffraction pattern containing the extra spots was, therefore, interpreted as a composite one made up by superimposing three independent patterns, each of which was composed of ordinary Bragg diffraction spots and extra diffraction maxima elongated in one of the three directions. This situation does not require a superlattice but modified the original face-centred lattice symmetry to a primitive lattice symmetry. However, the presence of a real superlattice should also be possible. The elongation and broadness of the extra diffraction maxima may be related to the orientation and size of coherent domains defined by a certain ordering of interlayer cationic distribution, which took place during the hydration processes including extraction and conversion.
Mineralogical Magazine; December 1977 v. 41; no. 320; p. 461-468; DOI: 10.1180/minmag.1977.041.320.06
© 1977, The Mineralogical Society
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