Abstract: Pyroxenes and amphiboles from the under-saturated to over-saturated syenites of the Kangerdlugssuaq intrusion have been examined to see what light they throw on the two contrasting petrogenetic models for the intrusion. Pyroxene crystals are strongly zoned outwards from augitic to more acmitic compositions, with the most calcic cores present in the foyaite, contrary to the expected pattern if the foyaite is the most evolved rock type as previously postulated. Amphiboles, which are absent in the foyaites, show an exceptionally wide compositional field varying from actinolite through richterite and katophorite to arfvedsonite. Many are manganoan and potassian varieties. However, there is no consistent variation throughout the intrusion as previous work has suggested. These results are not favourable to the idea of a crystal fractionation model for the intrusion and we suggest that the foyaite is closest to the original magma which has hybridized with the enclosing gneisses and basalts to produce the over-saturated rocks. Such a model is consistent with the existing isotopic data.
Mineralogical Magazine; 1982 v. 45; no. 337; p. 1-9; DOI: 10.1180/minmag.1982.045.337.01
© 1982, The Mineralogical Society
Mineralogical Society (www.minersoc.org)