Abstract: Uraniferous granites occur in several different geological settings in the Swedish Precambrian and represent a variety of granite types and ages. Granites with > 10 ppm U are highly differentiated leucocratic alkali granites with initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios over 0.708. They commonly show enrichment in F, Sn, W, and/or Mo, while mineralization of these dements may, in some cases, be found in the nearby country rock. Radiogenic heat from the granites may have assisted hydrothermal circulation. In only one case, Hotagen, is important U mineralization thought to be directly related to a U-rich granite, while the majority of epigenetic U mineralizations with economic potential are related to hydrothermal processes in areas where the bedrock is regionally enhanced in U.
Mineralogical Magazine; June 1982 v. 46; no. 339; p. 233-245; DOI: 10.1180/minmag.1982.046.339.10
© 1982, The Mineralogical Society
Mineralogical Society (www.minersoc.org)