Abstract: The new minerals were found together in oxidized ores at the Bambolla mine, Moctezuma, Sonora. Both occur with various iron oxides, emmonsite, schmitterite, and kuranakhite. Cuzticite, Fe2TeO6 · 3H2O, is yellowish, H = 3, G = 3.9, occurring as crusts with a scaly structure. No single crystals were found, but X-ray powder data indicate a hexagonal cell a = 5.045, c = 14.63 Å. Strongest lines are 3.256 (10), 2.518 (7), 4.871 (4), 2.239 (3), and 1.564 (3).
Eztlite, Fe6Pb2(TeO3)3TeO6(OH)10 · nH2O, is blood red, as paper-thin sparkling crusts, H = 3, G = 4.5. A possible cell found by the Ito method is monoclinic a = 6.58, b = 9.68, c = 20.52Å, β = 90° 15′; strongest lines are 3.426 (10), 3.289 (10), 4.037 (9), 3.239 (9), and 2.445 (TB).
Both minerals and their names have been approved by the Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names, IMA.
Mineralogical Magazine; June 1982 v. 46; no. 339; p. 257-259; DOI: 10.1180/minmag.1982.046.339.13
© 1982, The Mineralogical Society
Mineralogical Society (www.minersoc.org)